Embrace the allure of the Real Touch Rose Garden 9-Inch Bouquet in Pink. This charming collection of six blooms is a celebration of beauty. Each rose, adorned in a delightful shade of pink, brings a soft, enchanting presence to your decor. Thanks to the remarkable Real Touch technology, these roses boast an incredible lifelike quality, from their delicate petals to their natural-looking stems. Ideal for those who cherish the elegance of fresh roses but desire the lasting appeal of faux flowers. This bouquet, eternally in bloom and free from maintenance, is a perfect way to add a splash of color and romance to any setting. Whether it's enhancing the ambiance of a cozy home, a stylish office, or a bustling retail space, this Pink Rose Garden Bouquet is sure to captivate and charm, creating an atmosphere of warmth and whimsy. • Dimensions: 9 Inch
Easy Care
Stands up to play time, craft
hour, and “Mom, I want to help”.
4-Way Stretch
Send them to recess
without worry.
1,000+ 5 Star Reviews
Trusted by parents all
over the country.
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Size chart
Size |
Bust XS |
Waist XS |
Size | XS | S | M | L | XL | 1X |
Bust | 32 | 34 | 36 | 40 | 43 | 45 |
Waist | 24 | 26 | 28 | 32 | 35 | 37 |
* Sizes are American and expressed in inches.